Historical Trends

"In his book The World of Yesterday about the events leading up to the rise of Nazism in post WWI Germany, the writer Stefan Zweig said, 'It remains an irrefragable law of history that contemporaries are denied a recognition of the early beginnings of the great movements which determine their times.' Note that irrefragable means, 'not able to be refuted or disproved; indisputable,' and contemporaries refers to people living at the same time that the beginnings of great movements are happening. Take stock of the chaotic world in which we are now living and identify a key trend or movement that is beginning right now that you believe history will later identify as a defining theme of the era. It could be environmental, political, social, technological, etc. Make an argument for why you think it will later be remembered as something important."

Your group should:

Create a Slides presentation with 4-5 slides that lays out your case. Share it with me when you are done. Your group will present it to the class.

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