Today's Prompt: TS/IS, Chapter Six

We are going to be practicing the skills outlined in Chapter Six of They Say/I Say using an Op-Ed article by Michael Gerson in The Washington Post. Read the article, followed by an exchange between two readers that appeared in the Comments section of the online article.

How would you incorporate the argument by "cfrench8" into Gerson's piece as an example of "planting a naysayer," which we read about in They Say/I Say?

  1. Copy and paste Gerson's piece into your Writing Prompts doc, being sure to date and label the entry with TS/IS, Chapter Six.
  2. Choose a part of the response of "cfrench8" paste it into the piece at some appropriate point.
  3. Add your own text to introduce the quote into Gerson's piece--you can use templates on pages 82 through 84 in TSIS.
  4. Add a response answering "cfrench8's" objections as you believe Michael Gerson would. You can look at pages 87-90 for advice and examples. Try to imitate Gerson's voice as well as following his logic.
  5. Select the text you have added to Gerson's piece and change the color to red.

Here is a response I made to the the prompt, if you need a model showing what to do: Mr. McBride's Response

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