Purple Heart
Please read the following Op-Ed piece from the Washington Post and this one from Stars and Stripes, both of which concern the awarding of the Purple Heart for veterans suffering from PTSD. Get together with your assigned group, spend some time discussing the issue, and create a slides presentation with the following features:
- A slide with your position clearly stated in the form of a thesis--your thesis should state your position and supply a reason for this position.
- Two slides that support your thesis--this support can take the form of quotes, statistics, personal testimony, or anything else you have found that backs up your thesis. This material can come from the article in the NFG, The Washington Post, Stars and Stripes, or other sources you have found.
- Each slide of support should include information about where the source comes from.
- You will be asked to come to the front of the classroom and present your argument to the class. Your presentation should articulate the connections between the quotes/evidence/support you have found and your thesis statement.